Saturday, December 27, 2008

Snow In OZ

It was one of my wishes this Christmas and it came true!

Just like the song, "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas," I wished for snow this year. Living in Florida, frozen precipitation is classified as a miracle in these parts. But where I grew up, we had 12 inches one day and 18 the next. You were lucky to get Christmas cards because the mailboxes where completely covered over.

The last time it snowed in Jacksonville was 1989. That's almost 20 years ago, which tells you something. Nevertheless, I dreamed of it. After almost 31 years in the South, I still find it hard to wrap my mind around palm trees with Christmas lights on them. Jacksonville has it's fair share of cheesy inflatable snowmen, along with lighted wire reindeer, all displayed on green lawns with not a blanket of frost in sight.

But this year, while in Kansas City visiting my daughter, I was blessed with the white Christmas I longed for. As I looked out the airplane's window, I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, wondering if I landed in a dream. Getting off, I immediately went to the car rental office. They asked me if I had any experience driving in snow. My past had served me well, giving me the necessary knowledge I needed. I'm so glad I did all those donuts in the High School parking lot after hours! I didn't know I would one day rely on such a valuable skill.

And skill was what I needed driving on the hilly streets of Kansas City. My PT Cruiser maneuvered well on the ice and more importantly, my heater worked on demand. I had forgotten how cold "cold" was. It's really cold! The gray snow skies covered the earth below like a dingy blanket; the streets were quietly serene. Footprints of friends coming and going from my daughters house showed me that snowfall didn't stop those committed to 24/7 prayer. Nothing stops them.

But after 4 days, I was ready to return to the tropics. I missed the snow days of my past and truly felt God's blessing as He orchestrated the conditions to remedy my hearts desire. I knew that snow had fallen just for me.

Then it was time . . . I found a fluffy patch to sink my feet into and began to click my heals together saying over and over again, "There's no place like home." It worked; I'm back!

It was strange sweating on Christmas Day with temperatures in the 80's, but I guess I'll learn to deal with it . . . someday.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


With the economy in crisis, stress levels at an all-time high, and depression knocking on 2009's door, some can truly relate to George Bailey in Frank Capra's classic, "It's A Wonderful Life." Watching this mans life through the camera lens of an angel named Clarence gives us just the "rear-view reflection" needed for the days to come.

The movie has many high points as the laugh meter rises to the top time after time, but I must say that one of my favorite parts is the very beginning when we hear numerous prayers being offered by those who believe He truly hears us. The camera slowly zooms out as requests are being made known and everyone seems to be clamoring at once. The script allows for a small cast of voices crying out to Him with various supplications. Yet God, in all His glorious splendor, chooses to listen and is moved by those who tug on His merciful heart.

As far back as my memories serve me, I remember my mom being a "tugger." Even if it was after I had fallen asleep, I still recollect her tip-toeing into my room to say a soft-spoken prayer over me. Each time she prayed, she tugged at His heart, asking for my safe passage through this life, as well as His blessing. Those words cover me to this day; their goal was and still is to accomplish all that was intended in the words which came off her lips.

I do the same for my children now, whether they are near or far. Already, I pray for their yet-to-be spouses, as well as the grandchildren I will soon hold. As a mother, tugging is my business, but as a believer, tugging is essential to my existence. Once you start tugging in sincerity, you become addicted sensing His pleasure in the asking. Strangely, because of this act, His heart is moved.

More than ever before, I feel an urgency to tug. As much as Hollywood attempted to portray this, we need to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit when we pray. Just as many lifted the name of George Bailey to the heavens, God is calling His people to pray. If we could zoom the camera out the way Frank Capra did, we too would begin to hear the consistency in God's agenda.

This generation is very unique. Truly, these are exciting times to be alive in and 2009 will soon be overflowing with so-called change. Can prayer make a difference? Let me narrow this down even further . . . are there angels assigned to personally assist you? According to George Bailey, there are. Read Psalms 91:11-12 and let me know what YOU think.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I fell for it every year!

The date was December 24th; the temperature was usually below zero; the time was always around 7:oo Pm, just after dinner. I can still remember standing with my face pressed to the cold plate glass. My breath on the inside of the window turned to thin ice as I stood there, knowing if I stared long enough, I might spot a twinkle.

Oblivious to everyone, my mother would ask my older sister to help me get my bath. Why now, I wondered? He'll be here any minute! Pleading with her did me no good. She always told me that if I hurried, I would get done before he came. One of my clever brothers tipped me off and suggested I mix the shampoo and the creme rinse together to save time. (He could have patented this idea and been the inventor of the first 2-in-1 shampoo.)

But it never failed. Every year, while the water was going down the drain and I was still dripping wet, I heard the echo of the jingle bells just before the door slammed shut. I scurried to get pajamas on my wet body, accomplishing very little. Frustrated I would miss him, I exchanged being half-naked in front of my family, for a chance to get a glimpse of his sleigh in the cold, December night sky. Then came my dad's famous words, "You just missed him!" But I was sure I had seen his shadow.

What happened next was nothing short of chaotic. We opened presents until we were silly and sleepy. Going to bed wasn't very hard as I usually slept with one of my new toys, knowing that the next day would be filled with endless hours of play and our traditional Italian feast.

Eventually, I learned the Christmas secret but I still can't figure out why I fell for it every year!

In no less than at least two paragraphs, describe your favorite Christmas tradition with plenty of details.