Of course, people have different mindsets, ideas, points of view, and other related mental articles, which give each person different types of dreams; whether it be the people involved in the dream, the setting, atmosphere or appearance. I’ve found some of mine to be very colorful and lustrous (even though I hear that we dream in black and white, I will continuously argue that this statement is fiction.)
Dreaming doesn’t usually occur in the deeper stages of sleep, but rather in the first few stages. We do our dreaming generally in the state of lighter sleeping. Also, if you didn’t already know, it only takes about 10% of your brain to create a dream for nighty-night time.
But aside from all of those monotonous facts, I’d like to hear some of your sweet dreams. Whether they are embarrassing, silly, nightmarish, realistic, or story-like, please share them. I might share a few of mine too, in response to yours. So, what kind of dreams do YOU have?
I don't dream much, but when I do it is most of the time a nightmare, I only have nightmares when I have worried about something all day or when I watch a really scary movie.
Same here i don't dream much but when i do there completly random
well, amy, i'm sorry =[
Hmmm...Interesting topic...
I did have this dream one time (apart from probably millions that I've had altogether) I'm not sure that I should share, though.
I'll go for it anyways...I don't know how or why I remember this dream as vividly as I do, for it was at least 6 months ago that it ocurred...
This is how my dream went...
I start out walking into this building with a large group of people. The first weird thing is that I actually seem to be walking outside at the same time. There is another smaller building inside the large one. I walk away from the group to check out the little, quaint house(which is what it looked like)
As soon as I was clsoe enough, my youth pastor jumps out and calls me into what the building has transformed into, his office.
I follow him in and sit in the chair provided for me. He stares at me for over 10 minutes and finally speaks, "What is going on with you and this boy?" (I'm still not sure who this guy is supposed to be)
"Do you know who he is at all?"
"I like him! Maybe love him!"
"Are you on drugs?! Seriously, are you?"
"What?! Are you crazy? No I am not on drugs!"
"Did your mom give them to you?"
And that is where the dream ends...
Don't you love how dreams never seem to end like a movie or book would...there's always something missing...
ok...that was my most interesting dream..
Wow, this is a hard topic for me seeing as I do not have a lot of dream... Odd, but true, or at the least if I do, they weren't worth remembering.
But the last dream I had was quiet cool. Sunday after church I watch Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles. That is the main reason why I think I had a dream about being in a world with Terminators.... (maybe I shouldn't drink around four Dr. Peppers before bed..) But then it changed to this ultra-colorful bit of my dream. t had like a lot of reds, yellows, and greens.
Then I woke up and got a drink. A bit of an intermission I guess.
When I went back to sleep I might have had a another dream, but I didn't remember it... I'm kind of angry with myself. I want to know what all the colors were for....
I dream quite alot (in color), but I usualy can't remember them because I wake up right after dreaming, say, "Huh that was weird," then pass out again. Then half the dreams I do remember, I can't speek about in public because they would either embarass me or somebody else. That leeves me with only a few crazy dreams to share, so I'll just choose the one I had most recently.
About a week ago I had a two-part dream that I was a rich European during World War II and the germans were atacking with the sentinal robots from the X-men comics. My allies were Spider-man and Bruce Banner and the whole first part of the dream, I was trying to get Banner to turn into the Hulk. When he finaly did, he prety much tore the Germans apart. The second part was basically a repeat dream without all of the Marvel characters. I got captured by this German who told me to pronounce my last name as "Brooner". That's all I can remember.
I really dont usually dream.
most of the time if i do they are completely weird.
or just random.
haha. shay, that's very interesting. it seems your youth pastor knows something about your love life that you don't!
kyle, dr. pepper is so powerful that i think it made your "black and white dream" colorful.
I have the scariest dreams with my heart pumping. I repeadeatly have a dream where I am falling out of the sky through the clouds and right when I hit the ground I spring out of bed all sweaty and breathing heavy.
Lol I love this question. I have dreams just about EVERY night. All of them don't make sense..they usually are about things I haven't thought of in months.
I don't usually remember them but this one is unforgetable.
When I was about 5-7 years old I dreamt the most unusual dream.
It was about these barbies (yes barbies) that were controlled by aliens or something. The barbies' eyes were red lights, the were so freaky lol. The little dude who was controlling them kind of looked like a troll maybe? I don't know. But anyways the dude captured these people from my church and was burning them in a HUGE "bowl" of lava. I remember there was this one guy (he was hanging by a rope) and as he was about to be dunked in lava, he said "I know God will save me!" and then he died. Surrounding the lava holder, there were black looking skeletens.
Freaky? Yep. I guess you could say I have an abnormal sense of imagination. Lol
Daniel, we should tell those neurotic scientists that people DO dream in color.
Demetri, night terrors are a scary thing i hear. i've never really had any.
alyssa, you are a very sadistic person who obviously has issues inside the church.
haha. just kidding. thanks for the insight =]
I do dream off and on...but, I usually forget everything when I get up. However, I still remember some of my dreams from the past...
In particular, I still have memories of dreams that were about me being awake...and yes, I know that sounds like an oxymoron. But seriously, I once actually dreamed of me being awaken by my mom, getting out of bed, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. After that, I felt like I was doing something...but I couldn't figure out exactly what. Yet, I was still led to believe that I was already going through my day. Thus, when my mom shook me awake that morning, I sleepily mumbled, "I thought I was awake?!"
Other dreams I had when I was younger include being chased by the Tasmanian Devil, being carried around by trolls, and observing a spider web inside a boy's mouth. It is truly amazing what our brains can imagine!
It has been said that dreams represent your deepest fears or greatest desires. I would never admit to dreaming anything about the latter! However, one of my worst fears must be to have anyone see my home in a complete state of disrepair (which in reality could be any given moment). I have frequent dreams about having a great big kitchen with miles of counter space, every inch of which is piled high with dirty dishes.
Well, my most reoccuring nightmare is about bridges. I'm terrified of falling off of them, and any highly dangerous height. The dream will start of innocent enough, were me and one of my legally able to drive family members will be driving along the highway, and we'll come to a bridge. Now the bridge is either a loop-de-loop, or it just cuts off. We just keep on driving towards the bridge, and they don't listen to me when I politely(more like scream in there ear) ask them to stop. Sometimes we go off the bridge, while other times I wake up before so. It's the most surefire way to get me up in the morning, because that's one dream I refuse to go back to sleep after. Other then that though, I rarely have scary dreams. Just incredibly odd ones. Those ones are always interesting and fun.
Ok, I've been holding out, hoping to dream a good one but so far, nothing. I remember dreaming more as a child and don't remember too many. Sometimes I pray that I will dream. One time, I secretly prayed a friend of mine would have one for me so I could interpret it. She did. It was cool. But lately, my dreams have been prophetic, which is what I pray for.
As far as dreams are concerned, here are my thoughts: Joseph was a dreamer who's dream revealed many things about his destiny, both short and long term. He went on to interpret the dream of a Pharaoh. Then the great ruler recognized this nobody inmate had an ear to the heart of God, which changed the course of a generation. The prophet Joel talked about young men having open visions and old men dreaming dreams. These are the days he spoke about and I take that seriously.
I realize we all have a "pizza" dream now and then . . . one where your mind exercises it's privilege to having recess. But truly, I believe God speaks to us in our dreams. He points out fears that need our/His attention, as well as lofty thoughts which must come down. He shows us areas of intercession, and in His sovereignty, shares revelation concerning the days to come.
How do you know when you've had such a dream? You'll know. You can't shake it, you won't ever forget it and you'll talk about it until you can find someone to give you some insight.
I have had a few insightful dreams in the past 3 weeks, but they were significant to a current situation. My husband and I both had dreams about an individual which revealed their state of heart. These kind are private and can not be shared. (Discernment is important when deciding whether dreams are public or private. I call that the "blab it and blow it" concept.)
As crazy as the contents of a dream sound, the people, places, and yes, even colors, have significance. A while back, there was a girl in prison who found out I had discernment concerning dreams. At one point in the dream, she found herself standing in front of a huge iron gate with the roman numerals "IV" on them. The inmate said she walked through to the other side and wanted to know if this dream meant she would be released soon. I wrote her back and told her the contrary. After praying about it, the Lord revealed to me she was going in the gates, not leaving. What she thought was roman numerals were really the letters IV, which stand for intravenous feeding, and that God desired her to feed only on His word and heal her spirit, soul and body while she was incarcerated. For her, the jail cell took on a whole new meaning. (Sounds like a flip of Josephs story.)
Pray and ask God to show you what your dreams mean. He is faithful and will reveal things to you.
wow mrs. larson. there's not much i can say to that. haha. nice. =]
I have lots of dreams but none are interesting enough to post... BUT i do this crazy thing when im about to fall asleep.. ill dream while im awake. like this one time i was zoning out in my bed and i started like day dreaming that i was walking on my side walk outside and then all of the sudden the side walk just droped from under me i spazed in my bed and my dog and book flew off of my bed
ok well unfortuneatly, i don't dream too much either, but i have very interesting dreams.and i tend to have dreams where i sleep walk when i go on church trips haha =].
one dram that i remember very well is when i was a little kid around 5 years old, (a nightmare)
there was this old guy that looked like my great grandma which for some reason used to scare me, but anyways his hair looked like a possesed enstien , he chased me to FBC and chased on the very top of the preschoo building, and that's when i woke up and ran to my mommy =].. it was very strange
Sadly I don't dream to often,and when I do dream it usually doesn't make sense. I never dream about stuff thats happened to me, people I know, or anything that relates to me or whats happening in my life.
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