Just like the song, "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas," I wished for snow this year. Living in Florida, frozen precipitation is classified as a miracle in these parts. But where I grew up, we had 12 inches one day and 18 the next. You were lucky to get Christmas cards because the mailboxes where completely covered over.
The last time it snowed in Jacksonville was 1989. That's almost 20 years ago, which tells you something. Nevertheless, I dreamed of it. After almost 31 years in the South, I still find it hard to wrap my mind around palm trees with Christmas lights on them. Jacksonville has it's fair share of cheesy inflatable snowmen, along with lighted wire reindeer, all displayed on green lawns with not a blanket of frost in sight.
But this year, while in Kansas City visiting my daughter, I was blessed with the white Christmas I longed for. As I looked out the airplane's window, I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, wondering if I landed in a dream. Getting off, I immediately went to the car rental office. They asked me if I had any experience driving in snow. My past had served me well, giving me the necessary knowledge I needed. I'm so glad I did all those donuts in the High School parking lot after hours! I didn't know I would one day rely on such a valuable skill.
And skill was what I needed driving on the hilly streets of Kansas City. My PT Cruiser maneuvered well on the ice and more importantly, my heater worked on demand. I had forgotten how cold "cold" was. It's really cold! The gray snow skies covered the earth below like a dingy blanket; the streets were quietly serene. Footprints of friends coming and going from my daughters house showed me that snowfall didn't stop those committed to 24/7 prayer. Nothing stops them.
But after 4 days, I was ready to return to the tropics. I missed the snow days of my past and truly felt God's blessing as He orchestrated the conditions to remedy my hearts desire. I
Then it was time . . . I found a fluffy patch to sink my feet into and began to click my heals together saying over and over again, "There's no place like home." It worked; I'm back!
It was strange sweating on Christmas Day with temperatures in the 80's, but I guess I'll learn to deal with it . . . someday.