The movie has many high points as the laugh meter rises to the top time after time, but I must say that one of my favorite parts is the very beginning when we hear numerous prayers being offered by those who believe He truly hears us. The camera slowly zooms out as requests are being made known and everyone seems to be clamoring at once. The script allows for a small cast of voices crying out to Him with various supplications. Yet God, in all His glorious splendor, chooses to listen and is moved by those who tug on His merciful heart.
As far back as my memories serve me, I remember my mom being a "tugger." Even if it was after I had fallen asleep, I still recollect her tip-toeing into my room to say a soft-spoken prayer over me. Each time she prayed, she tugged at His heart, asking for my safe passage through this life, as well as His blessing. Those words cover me to this day; their goal was and still is to accomplish all that was intended in the words which came off her lips.
I do the same for my children now, whether they are near or far. Already, I pray for their yet-to-be spouses, as well as the grandchildren I will soon hold. As a mother, tugging is my business, but as a believer, tugging is essential to my existence. Once you start tugging in sincerity, you become addicted sensing His pleasure in the asking. Strangely, because of this act, His heart is moved.
More than ever before, I feel an urgency to tug. As much as Hollywood attempted to portray this, we need to be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit when we pray. Just as many lifted the name of George Bailey to the heavens, God is calling His people to pray. If we could zoom the camera out the way Frank Capra did, we too would begin to hear the consistency in God's agenda.
This generation is very unique. Truly, these are exciting times to be alive in and 2009 will soon be overflowing with so-called change. Can prayer make a difference? Let me narrow this down even further . . . are there angels assigned to personally assist you? According to George Bailey, there are. Read Psalms 91:11-12 and let me know what YOU think.
Hey Chrissy,
I completely agree with your thoughts and thank God for giving His angels charge over us. In Luke and Hebrews they are mentioned as well and how they are sent out in His service to us. I can look back and recall certain events in my life that could have tragically gone another way. I thank Him for calling them to serve in His daughters favor. His determination and my parents constant tugging have brought me to this point in His plan for my life. My husband and I feel we must do what we can for our family, but also know that the Master has the best blueprints for them.
I read Psalm 91, in the Amplified version and notice what it says; "to preserve you in all your ways of obedience".
That is the key for all believers OBEDIENCE to His plan for our lives. Well thanks for your thoughts and have a blessed Christmas.
Psalm 91:11-12 (Amplified Bible)
11 For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you
in all your ways [of obedience and service].
12 They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.(A)
Hi Chrissy; I just read your "It's a Wonderful Life" writing. Very beautiful; and I still "tug" for you. I LOVE YOU, MOM
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