Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's Huge - I'm Back!

What kind of a writer stays away from her blog for over six months? A pretty shabby one for sure. Geez - what a slacker! Will you forgive me for not penning all of my thoughts, dreams and aspirations?

So much has transpired since I last pecked away in this cyber diary . . . but I have decided to move forward instead of hash over the past. All I can say is life is good and Jesus is better. And rather than belabor the many excuses I could interject at this point, I will simply say, "I'm back!"

To all my readers, fans, admirers, lurkers and former students, I just want to say thank you for visiting while I was away. You showed your faithfulness even though I never even showed up. Wow! You are amazing!!!

So with gratefulness in my heart and repentance in my spirit, I press on to the exclamation "mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus." My desire, as my title states, is to reflect, knowing that objects of all sorts really do appear larger than they are if viewed through a rear view mirror.

Is that a bad thing? On the contrary! I firmly believe that every day I am allowed to live and breath is significant, nothing happens by chance, and I want to die doing something I love. These are objects I have had the privilege to reflect on and they appear huge to me. Life is too short to exist without passion.

This has always been a place for not only me to express myself, but you as well. I appreciate any and all of you comments more than you know.

These are my thoughts . . . a penny for yours.

Chrissy/Cyber Psalmist

1 comment:

Karen Gladys Henry said...

I can so relate to the "not blogging" thing, even though our reasons may be very different, I know they have some things in common. One good thing is, the things you have already posted live on to put the truth out. Love you!