Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The morning air briskly hit me in the face as I rounded the corner leaving the cul-de-sac. A sudden rush of wind nearly blew me off my 2-3 mile walking course. Tightening the drawstring of my hoodie to cover my exposed ears, I was reminded that spring had not yet sprung and we Floridians still have a few cold days left to deal with.
That's OK, because I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I will soon have my fair share of hot days, wishing I could recall what a cool morning felt like. It won't be long until this transplanted Southerner is begging the weatherman to give her some kind of a contrast between one day and the next.
The heat index confronts me with the truth that the temperature is not what it seems, especially when the relative humidity gets factored in, a meteorological in-law I could easily do without. Fans move soggy air from one place to the next and the air-conditioners are set to positions such as "no mercy. Then once again, I will long for the days when I can sit next to my toasty buck stove, stoked full and blazing, complaining about the cold.
I've always loved the fact that seasons change and temperatures vary. Growing up in the North provided me with numerous ways to adapt to my ever-changing surroundings. From ice-skating to swimming, I managed to enjoy every quarterly equinox, grabbing the most from each. But I think the best part was knowing a new season was almost on it's way.
Life's seasons are similar. Just when I think I can't take any more, God has a wonderful way of modifying my environment. Sure, it's good to be content in whatever season we find ourselves in, but God is also preparing us for a change in scenery just the same.
He is never early and certainly never too late when it comes to making these necessary adjustments. In fact, I am always stunned by His impeccable timing. The funny thing is,
contrary to the seasons of the earth, I always forget this fact and begin to lose heart on the back side of the season I'm in.
Jeremiah 5:24 says, "Let us now fear the Lord our God, who gives rain in it's season, both the autumn rain and the spring rain, who keeps for us the appointed weeks of the harvest."
God Himself, has a grip on the seasons of my life. According to this truth, He brings me refreshing rains when I need them the most. He is not only in charge of my harvest, but keeps watch over it until it's mine to reap. His timing is perfect!

1 comment:

Kayla Beck said...

THANKS!!! this word was right on time for me!!!!