The first time I went bowling, I thought, "No sweat, I can handle this. Just throw the ball down the alley and hope for the best." Little did I know the weight, aim and release of the ball had everything to do with my success at knocking down the pins. After numerous gutter balls and one very embarrassing moment, I realized I had a lot to learn.
As I write this blog, I am sitting in a noise-ridden, teen populated bowling alley, where two of my children are members of a league. The exhilarating sound of balls striking pins means the music playing over the sound system is taking a back seat. In front of me is a rack of balls in all sizes, colors and weights.
Normally, I would pick up the lightest ball I could find and assume that because of it's weight, I had a good chance of sending it straight down the lane. But that's not always true. Too light a ball can be a detriment. When a ball is too heavy, the weight makes it almost impossible to swing your arm and get the momentum you need to strike the pins.
Not only is weight important, aiming the ball means everything. There's a pocket bowlers look for where the ball can strike down the most pins. I found out the marked arrows in the lane are there to help you with just that.
Another technique that is crucial is knowing when to release the ball. When it's time to swing your arm into action, you must follow through and let the ball go at just the right place before letting go. Dropping to soon means less forward motion; letting go too late doesn't take advantage of the momentum already in progress.
So much to think about! Why can't I just have some fun and forget all of this technique mumbo-jumbo? Can't I just throw the ball down the alley and hope for the best like I said earlier? The last time I did that, I under-estimated my strength (bowling with too light a ball) and sent it two lanes to the left! After that, I decided I better learn a little bit more about bowling.
That was soooo embarrassing!!!
Question of the Week- Tell me about one of your most embarrassing moments
Being gently suggested that I was off the Bowling team. And just because I was the second from the bottom in the WHOLE LEAGUE loveya, mom
So sad Mom, now I know where I got all that bowling talent from!!!
At least I inherited your beautiful voice :)
Cyberpsalmist (Daughter)
I was going to the doctor to see if I had strep throat. I thought i don't have to dress up at all for this appointment. I was waiting in the room for the doctor and he walked in and he said he wanted to check my glands. I lifted my arms and there were two giant holes in my armpit of my shirt. He then had to feel my bare arms pits. I think this was the most imbarrasing moment I have had in a long time.
Well, I'm in line at a shaved ice stand,I've been in line for three minutes and my Dad drives up and blares the horn at me. Everyone started staring at me like they knew he was my Dad. I wanted to say "I don't know him." Instead, I just got in the car. Grrrr!!!
When i was in first grade, i had been at recess and had a TON of water, and involved in a pretty serious game of soccer so i thought "What they hey, i'll go to the bathroom later." Bad move. Eventually the entire front side of my pants were soaked, and everyone was staring straight at me in shock. I did my best to convince everyone that it was because of the sketchy water fountain but no one believed me, and eventually i had to go sit in the office while my mom brought me a new pair of pants.
Emily, I'm sure you learned this lesson much sooner than I ever did. On occasion, I have to make a quick trip to either Publix or WallyWorld and it never fails... the day I say,"I'm just gonna run in and out," I no sooner run into someone I know. That's when we just have to say, "It is what it is" and go on.
Sorry Garrett, I was there and definitely witnessed your embarrassment first hand. You looked like you wanted to crawl in a hole. I was proud of you though... you shined when you left the line, in front of everyone, and got in the car. BIG points for you!!!!
Walter, I just knew there would be some kind of toilet testimony and should have guessed it would be from you. The funny thing about embarrassing moments is that they usually bear much fruit. 9 1/2 times out of 10, we'll never repeat the incident that led to the embarrassing moment. I always say, as long as we learn something, it's not a waste :)
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