Monday, March 12, 2012


Of course I have this book on my shelf; it's somewhere.
 This weekend, I found myself exhausted. A look inside my house and you will see remnants of everything I've done for the past two weeks scattered around. Unpaid bills, camping equipment, cookbooks, a folder full of accompaniment tracks, and a sewing machine are all reminders of projects started and then interrupted. I've broken every organizational law and feel like I need to go back to clutter rehab. If I could implement three of my own personal rules of uncomplicating life, I would be able to see my way to the light soon.

One of easiest ways I have found to cut down on chaos is to put things away where you found them. Not only that, try not to touch it more than once. In other words, don't set it down on the way to where it belongs, put it where it belongs right away.

Another great tip is setting aside time in your busy schedule to clean-up and reorganize yourself after projects. My sister says I'm busier that a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest. I would agree with her. Having two teenagers who don't drive yet runs me ragged. I thought this kind of thing would ease up as I became more experienced, mature, whatever you wanna call mothering with more years under my belt. I don't feel like I'm better at this yet. Maybe when I'm a grandma. WAIT! I am a grandma!!!

Me zipping through my smooth life!
The last and most important of my rules is, "Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today." Oooo, I felt that one reach out and bite someone. For those of us who do this, pressure is the very ingredient that jump-starts are creativity. Deadlines looming overhead make us face up to and finish the inevitable. The way I tap procrastination energy is to make up a fake deadline in my mind, before the task is due. It works!

How about you? What are three simple ways to make life less complicated? Please share so we can all get better at this!

Thanks for your input,
Chrissy Larson
aka cyberpsalmist


Emily Stutsman said...

The three things I do to make life less complicated are, the first one is the most simplest. You need to make time to just sit down and take a breath! Stop running around and enjoy the little things. The second is when I just feel myself getting worn down, I sit down with a book and read it until I pass out, it always makes me sleep better. The third and final way is getting a fishing pole and just striking out to a unknown pond! These are the three things I do to make life a little simpler and less complicated!

Cyberpsalmist said...

Good Advice Emily. I was able to find time to sit down and take a breathe last week and it was quite refreshing. I'm in the middle of a good read that calls my name each night before shut-eye but I haven't got the fishing part down yet. I may need your help with that.


Patrice said...

I had to think about this. My three suggestions to make life less complicated (in no particular order): 1. Especially in the little things, pick up and put away as you go... IN IT'S OWN PLACE! It's just easier! 2. Get rid of stuff!!!! If you can NEVER keep up with your shoes, coat, or laundry, you may have too many clothes! Someone else can use what you have. 3. Give yourself permission to say "Not today!" because IT WILL be there waiting for you later in the week. Take a nap, go somewhere or do other things that please your inner self. Oh, and by the way, watch a couple of episodes of "Hoarders". You DO NOT want to be them!!!

Cyberpsalmist said...

Ok Patrice, my toes are bruised. I will heed your advice... soon :)