Monday, February 22, 2010


Remember Nancy Drew? How about the Hardy Boys? For those readers who have never heard of these characters, they were fictional amateur teenage detectives whose self-proclaimed duty was to solve mysteries of every kind. Both of these series lined our bookshelves growing up.

In my opinion, Nancy's life, although contemporary to mine at that time, had an element of intrigue which I coveted. She always seemed to be at the right place, at the right time. From witnessing a crime to gathering the facts, sleuthing added adventure to her everyday, hum-drum life. She was a success at the end of every spine.

So, just what does it take to be a successful detective? Would you have the boldness to carry out the tasks at hand? Asking the right questions and then listening to the answers; looking for holes as well as inconsistencies. Assertiveness along with confidence that you "have the right to know" plays a huge part; understanding your authority and then walking in it. Scrutinizing every detail and then readying yourself for the long haul . . . not quitting until every resource is exhausted; staying focused in hot pursuit until the file reads "Case Closed."

I have a Private Investigator who is in hot pursuit of me. He leaves no stone unturned, no lead undeveloped; every intricacy having value in solving my case. I ran for so many years but His love found me. He chased me with holy boldness and sought after me with an authority like no other. I questioned such a motive but realize now, His determination is directly connected to the sustainable love He offers me. Surely this kind of love will endure to the end.

This, to me, is a mystery . . . that Jesus knows my frame and my frailty; yet He still loves!

Cyberpsalmist- Chrissy Larson


Tinman said...

The pursuit of Jesus' love for us is relentless, He will pursue you to the ends of the earth. A love like that is real love, a craving love that no one else can offer. There is such passion in this pursuit, He is following you with a determination like non other and will not be satisfied until you belong to Him.
You can't hide for He will find you, He will dig, dig, dig until you have been uncovered from your secret hiding place. Once you are found He will lavish you with His love which will fill every chamber of your heart and satisfy your soul.
Your heart will sing, "You have found me oh my love, Your constant seeking and relentless pursuit has brought You to me. I now enjoy the pleasures of Your sustainable love."
Rest assured it is a love that will endure to the end, until........

Cyberpsalmist said...


You too seem to have a revelation of the depths of this love. I agree with you whole-heartedly when you said, "He will dig, dig, dig" to uncover me because I have been known to go under cover from Him.

I think the thing that intrigues me most about Him is the fact that He will go to the ends of the earth for me, no matter what that means. Then the sovereignty element kicks in and He says, "what part of 'I love you' don't you understand?"

Is there anyOne willing to love this deep?

No, not one!