If you were stranded on a deserted island, what is the one item (besides your Bible) you would most want to have with you? Explain your answer.
Ok, I know what some of you are thinking and there is no right or wrong answer. Anything goes on this one so don't get offended if I didn't choose you as my answer. (That was aimed at my mother, who I know reads this.)
I would most want my pillow. I know that sounds bizarre but I love my pillow.
I have a great pillow right now and I would certainly want this particular one with me on my island, but any pillow would do, under those circumstances.
When I was a very young girl, I had a latex foam pillow that I really loved. I loved it so much, I carried it into my marriage with me 30 years ago. I used it for a good while, even though it did not match my husbands pillow on the other side of the bed. That would bother anal retentives, but it never bothered me.
One evening, I knew it would be my last night sleeping with it. I unzipped the protective cotton cover and saw that the majority of the contents had turned into a pile of yellow crumbs which resembled crushed Captain Crunch cereal near the bottom.
The next day my search began for the perfect replacement. After years of trying, I had finally found one that felt right. It's one of those memory foam pillows that is contoured for your head. It will never be the same as my old pillow, but I have had many a good nights rest with it.
That is why I chose my pillow. I figured a good nights rest would be pretty high on the priority list while stranded. With all those strange sounds in the night, my pillow would be a comfort - something I could hug if I was scared.
I could even draw a face on it and talk to it when I got lonely.
Not to mention, much softer that a rock to sit on.
As I pondered further, I thought of a dozen other things I could use my pillow for.
That's my choice for now. Who knows, it might change after this gets posted. I might want my iPod instead.
If I was stranded on a deserted island, I would want to have my bed, or maybe a radio.
I would bring a rescue boat with me.
To me that just seems like the logical choice. Why stay stranded if you can bring something that you could escape with?
I would bring a whole lot of food.
I like to eat. So nuts and berries are only going to last me so long.
I would need to find water, but that wouldn't be too hard... I hope.
~Kyle Owens
I would take boat so that I could sail off the island and hopefully get home.
Great choice! Preparedness is in your blood! It also sounds like you don't want to be gone very long.
I'm with you, Kyle. Food would be top priority. Why didn't I think of that too? Will you share if we get stranded? I'll share my pillow if you need it.
Again, a logical choice, Hunter. I never even thought of that. Please save me a seat!
I would bring a satellite phone, I could call anyone so I can be rescued. (I would also install the GPS feature) :)
I have heard this question a million times, but I always forget how to answer it other than stating "My Bible". Of course, food and fresh water are definitely a major ordeal, but Disney shows deserted islands with coconuts and fresh streams.They can be trusted right? (Sarcastic expression displayed on my face right here.) Plus, if I choose either one of those, you probably would not even glance at this comment and simply think, "Duh."
Anyways,(seriously now)I would want a dog for my dilemma on the island, specifically a breed that can hunt. My mom has not allowed my brother and me to have one(yet), not only because of the money. She can barely handle our guinea pig, and as a friend of mine said, "That's the pet for dummies!" On the vacant island, mom would not experience any worries over muddy paws, sloppy messes, bathroom business all over the floor, or stinky smells. She would not even be there. I could finally own the companion of my dreams!
Moreover, a dog would prove quite useful. If it could hunt, the canine would probably provide meat easily. At night, it would hopefully act as a guard against any terrors located on the island. If I ever felt sad or lonely, my best friend would eagerly show some love...Everyone desires that in their most desperate times.
Yes, I most certainly pick a dog for the one item I would most want to have on that dreadful island...Anyone know of any deserted islands I can visit?
Whoa...I wrote alot!Relient K keeps you writing :P
Very clever, Demetri. Technology will get you everywhere!
Only a true dog-lover would bring a pooch. I think this is the perfect opportunity and can tell you that my kids are high-fivin' you as this gets posted. I'll slip some Milk Bones in my pillowcase!
Er, I have no idea whatsoever. Maybe my drawing supplies(those being my laptop and tablet) with solar panels? Even though it wouldn't be very practical, I get bored quite easily, and I'd go crazy if I couldn't draw. Or maybe my cat... then again, she'd likely leave me on said island. I think this question isn't really asking what we'd bring to the island, but what holds the most value for us in life. Bah, I think a shot gun would be my best bet on a deserted island though, who knows what kind of creatures I might encounter.
You are right about the motive in this question, Alaina. The answer tells me a bit about you. I would love to see your drawings, by the way.
hmm, I would probably bring a rescue boat so that I could sail off the island and get back home. ☺
If I had to stay stranded, more than likely I would bring a hatchet,
so I could build and cut down things to make shelter with. ☺
Something tells me you could have been a Boy Scout or Discovery Ranger, Josh. Good choice for survival!
I would bring a pocket knife or a compass so I could build a raft and know the direction back home
Very resourceful, dc23. I have a feeling the pocket knife would come in handy for more than just your raft.
Hmmm...I believe I've heard this question too many times to count.
There are, of course, the very logical things you would want, such as water, food, a boat perhaps.
However, I think if I were stranded on an island I would probably want to bring my best friends with me.
They would keep me company and we could figure everything out together.
~Shay M~
Shay, I'm sure whoever you pick would be flattered but I'm not sure they would want to join you.
I have been asked this before and a bunch of people said the same thing that I would do.
I would just do the logical thing and bring something to get off the island with.
I'm guessing that would be your inflatable dingy boat or your supersonic jet pack?
I want to bring a llama. because they are rad. And he, (Festis) would keep me good company. He would be the kind of llama that would not spit, but rather he would sing. yes, he would sing. He would sing beautiful songs, preferably from 80s artists like R.E.M. and Journey. And he could talk. We would discuss deep intellectual subjects; primarily on the discovery of bacon cheeseburgers and gummy snacks. And then Festis would grow wings and he would allow me to hop on his back as we flew off of the vacant island :)
- Nathan James
Nathan,I didn't know llamas could be so interesting!
I would probably bring food, chickfila preferably. It seems that if you were gonna be stranded on an island you wouldn't have the option of bringing a boat because then you wouldn't really be stranded. One thing that is needed to survive is food, so thats what I would bring with me.
~Christy Bacon
Oooo... Chick-Fil-A! Bring me a Caesar Chicken Wrap with a Fruit Cup while you're at it. I'm sick of coconuts.
Chocolate -- the answer to any trauma.
Oh yeah... you are SO right!
First of all, am I stuck on the island for the rest of my life, or can I be rescued?
If I can't get off the island, I would definitely want to have sun block on hand. I fry easily and it would stink to die of skin cancer after years of sun exposure.
And if I can be rescued I'd want the most obvious thing ever, a helicopter (with instruction manual). I could just fly myself to civilization and skip the island life. Or even better I would have... *drumroll* ... A GENIE. Then I could wish for an instantanious trip off, an endless supply of food, and... three more wishes.
I Dream of Genie too. She is far more resourceful than the boat and the cell phone! (Even the chocolate)
A knife has been a popular choice, Alyssa. I must say, I am rather jealous that a lot of you chose it before I thought of it. I guess I was thinking of more comfort measures than modes of survival. Good choice!
Knowing that your Mother would read this and REALLY RELATE to your pillow choice because she had one of those very same pillows that also turned into yellow crumbs.) After a Long search she found her replacement latex pillow at JC Penney's. Of course she couldn't go anywhere without her pillow; she left it behind one time in a motel room. Her husband refused to drive a "few hundred miles back" to get her pillow and After many phone calls there; no one could find her pillow so she went back to Penney's to get another one. Since that time she has learned to use a Mickey Mouse pillow case when it goes out of her house; so that it's more noticeable. Somehow however; the "original pillow that matched Chrissy's pillow still could never Quite be matched". So as an answer to the question besides my head pillow could I also take my knee pillow on that dessert Island? (and what about my neck pillow?) Mom
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