Billboards are an amazing advertising tool. Because we have a business of our own, I have checked into billboard advertising as well as considered various locations around the city that would be beneficial to us. Location is everything. It must be catchy or else colorful enough to capture the readers attention. We read them at stop lights or glance at them as we fly down the expressway. Some are humorous and others annoy us. I've even seen a billboard with a proposal on it. I'm not sure I find that romantic. Everywhere you go (unless there are restrictions) you see billboards.
Have you ever thought of your life as a billboard? At least for the moment. How I act and who I am speaks volumes about me. My "being" is just as important as my "doing."
I am a voice to a generation and I do have something to say. I've learned from those before me and want to make a difference for those behind. My heart cries out to expose what's real because real reality has somehow fallen through the cracks.
So, what could I possibly say to a generation viewing my billboard?
Jesus wants to know
if you'll
"Hide & Seek?"
Guess what-- you're it!
Seek the LORD
while He may be found,
Call upon Him
while He is near.
Isaiah 55:6
Cyber Psalmist
i would say dont let things get in the way of your relationship with God. if they do happen to get in your way just keep your eyes on God and he will get you through your troubles. if you stumble he will surely pick you up, also try to read his word everyday it will really help you in your walk with christ.
BIBLE- Basic
:P :D
Amen to that, Matthew. It's more important than VISA... "don't leave home without it!"
well, i want to go with the church answer and say that my billboard would display such characters as the comment above me; but i think my random creative humor would take over. i'm not fully sure what it would say or have on it though; possibly in the vicinity of dry animal humor. i could see a penguin (or maybe a llama) standing on a hill eating an ice cream cone when he is momentarily disrupted by a kiwi bird as the kiwi bird begins delving into conversation with the penguin. the caption would probably read "milk gives you strong bones"
Mine would state: "Why are you reading this? You should be driving..."
I see people on the road talking on cell phones, eating, or not even paying attention. There are too many distractions on the road. When I took drivers ed. I learned that if you are traveling at at least 30mph. In the amount of time it takes to look down and change the radio station, your car can have traveled to up to 100 feet. That's nearly the size of a football stadium.
~Kyle Owens
Ouch Kyle, you nailed us all with that one!
We'll have to send that one for submission to the American Dairy Association. They might like it.
Well, I've said it before and I guess I have to say it again, but this time I'll put more words into it. I honestly don't have anything that I would personally want to say to the world that I can't say by just going up to someone and talking to them. I suppose if I had to put something, I'd put Pay Attention. Because no one does that anymore. Now-a-days they're to consumed with their own personal problems to listen anymore. They don't listen to God and they don't listen to what those who matter to them. Technology and their jobs have completely taken over their lives, making it impossible for them to see what is right in front of them, not that most people actually WANT to see whats in front of them, given the current state of the world. So if I had to put something, that is what I would say.
You are so right Alaina, the world is consumed with electronics. Face to face is my preference as well. Even billboards are impersonal. The only benefit is the amount of people they reach at one time.
I would say love everyone cause if you love everyone then you wouldnt freak out when someone cuts you off you would love them and im pretty sure the bible says something about that so brownie points for useing the bible :D
One of my pet peeves about today's American culture is the constant pushing of post- modernistic thought. Post- modernism states that there is no absolute truth (an absolute statement) and two people can believe two totally different things but both beliefs are still correct. What's worse is that relativism has spread into religion and is forced upon society through the public school system and through the media (Oprah).
So, if I could design any billboard I wanted, it would fly in the face of popular thought and proclaim THE truth, Jesus.
"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me."
Size: 75 ft high, 100 ft long
Locations: Atlantic and University;
the river side of the Modis building; directly outside the studio where Oprah films.
To Anonymous: Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matt. 5:11-12
OMGosh! You have pulled on my last nerve with that, Daniel. Both subjects light me up. I agree with you 100%! Jesus never expected us to abandon the "ancient paths" of wisdom through relevance. Nor did the ancient path to world peace and unity ever lead to the ever-popular "one world" philosophy the enemy is pushing. Jesus is the only ONE way we will ever accomplish this.
Stop texting and emailing and start talking. We wonder why we feel lonely at times. It's because we have many surface friendships but few deep relationships. We live out who we want to be on the internet but few really know us.
Just my thoughts, Mrs. Rice
That's so true, Anonymous. No one ever told us about the "side effects" that would accompany the cyberspace and cell phone generation. It is far too easy to hide behind a screen than to face someone. I guess I'm too much of a people person to let that happen, but not everyone is like me. I bet they'll come up with a new syndrome for people who don't get enough human exposure!
If I were to have the opportunity to create my own billboard, there is one thing that I know I would want to write about.
There are so many poeple who drive the same path everyday. I'm sure thousands of people a day pass by certain spots on the intersate.
If there was a billboard somewhere that thousands of people drive everyday, it would certainly make a great impact on many of them.
My billboard would be colors that were not offensive to anyone.
(Example-I would not use orange and blue, because die hard Georgia fans might overlook the sign based only on the colors of the board.)
The board would say:
It's not just a religion, it's a relationship with Jesus Christ"
There would be a picture of a person sitting on a comfortable looking couch. Beside the couch would be a small side table with a phone sitting on it. On the wall would be a message board with tasks that the person needed to get done that day. One task would be to call and get information about from a ritualistic healing company. The board would show some kind of sign that the person there was sick.
The headline would read-
"You don't need a phone to get ahold of the true Healer."
Oh AMEN! I have "called" Him and He is an authentic Healer. My husband and I are living proof that He delivers what He promises!
Our Billboard THE WORD IS TRUE (picture of a Bible) WE'VE LIVED IT! signed, 78 yr old; 85 yr old
Joan, just by the years you have been on this earth, I bet both of you could tell us all a few things. I'm sure you have stories that prove this reality.
Like some, my immediate thought after reading this question was, "Be funny or proclaim Jesus?"
Personally,I absolutely love to laugh and enjoy the sight of a billboard with a joke while on a long road trip. On my Facebook, I even display a flair button (amid all the other buttons with funny sayings) that states, "Laugh everyday". What's wrong with giving people something good to smile about?
But, as a Christian, I am reminded that I must not and cannot live for myself. Jesus Christ voluntarily died for my sins and rose again to show His power as LORD and the fact that anyone who believes in Him will have eternal life. He saved me with this ultimate sacrifice, the ultimate love! Those who are born-again know that of which I speak, for He did it for them, too.
Thus, those who receive salvation must spiritually die with Christ--die to self. Yes, salvation is free, but when does freedom not come with a price? "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin." (Romans 6:6-7)
And for a Christian, this dying does not stop. The flesh, the "old man", constantly tries to resurrect itself. We must die to self daily, and I am in no way saying that we must be saved more than once. No, this practically refers to walking in the Spirit and not adhering to the flesh.
Unfortunately, our culture sometimes thinks of salvation as another add-on, another possession. Though this may seem offensive to them, the lost need to hear that this is not the case, and we Christians should not worry or fear the world's response. Jesus instructed us to share the gospel with love, but He did not tell us in any way to cut anything out of it. God's Word will change lives.
For all us believers, we need this reminder as we face a world that tempts us with numerous worldly goods and lifestyles.
My billboard:
Jesus Says Die to Self:
If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
(Luke 9:23,ESV)
If I could design a billboard..
I would want it to say something short, sweet, and to the point. Because like some of yall said people aren't paying enough attention to driving! Also chances are that people will be driving to fast to read it all!
I would defiantly want so help spread the I'm gonna have to say I would put on the bill board "He Is Mighty To Save". Quoting my favorate song "Might so save" by Hillsong.
The picture behind it would be a cross with a crown of thorns hanging where Jesus's head would be. And hanging from the two arms would be a purple sash. Where Jesus's hands and feet went would be the nails with blood stains surrounding them.
It all may seem like to much detail but each thing represents something..
The crown of thorns and the blood stains represents the sacrifice Jesus paid for us. The purple sash represents royalty. (since the color purple means "royal")
So thats what I would put on a billboard if I could design one!
I would say don't let the sins of this world pull you away from God.
You could have everything you ever wanted but in the end the only thing that matters is him.
Choose Christ!!!
The billboard sounds fabulous, Alyssa. I wish I had it in my budget to finance your idea. I am sure it would be a head-turner.
Excellent point, Tina. Then if salvation is not an add-on, it must be a trade-off... His life and standards in exchange for mine. That is very well put!
Josh, I think you spoke it well, especially considering the materialistic mindset this world promotes. If any of this "stuff" was important, God would allow us to take it along with us when we die. To my knowledge, that's not happening.
If I could create a billboard it would be say, "Feeling lonely?, Call on Jesus and He will fill the emptiness in your life."
I know that number oh so well. I am glad He doesn't have an answering machine but takes my calls every time. His text message is truth and His My Space is my heart!
My billboard would say "When you make a commitment to God, it doesn't mean anything unless you follow through". People say all the time that they are going to make commitments to God, well it doesn't mean a thing unless that person follows through.
Billboards, info on the go, are representative of the busy nature of our lives. But are we so busy that we neglect Christ's commands? Have we fulfilled the Great Commission and invested in the lives of the lost? Do we tend to the needs of our own "family," the body of Christ, His bride, the Church? As you travel life's highway, look up at my billboard. The Good Shepherd is standing atop a heavenly hill of truest green, looking down on Jacksonville's bridged-studded skyline. The caption reads: "Do you love me? Feed my sheep."
Mrs. Brooks reminds all of us that we are that "voice of a generation" to the lost that I spoke about. He desires that we not only seek out the lost but tend to those who are young and pliable to the truths of the gospel. Yes, Mrs. Brooks, we must never forget the sheep of His pasture.
Sad to say, Demetri, that the world is full of people who have not learned your word IS your integrity. It hurts us when people let us down, but it hurts the Lord so much more. When we covenant with God, He covenants with us and strength to follow through always follows.
This was a really hard question to me because there's a lot I would want to say but I've thought about it a lot this week and i would probably say " God's always in control". Its important to remeber that especially now-a-days because of the election coming up and all the trials we face today as individuals and as a nation. Sometimes just telling myself Gods in control makes my day a whole lot better.
~Christy Bacon
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