I've grown up a little bit but realize I still have a long way to go. Until I arrive, I have some advice to pass along to all the adults reading this.
#1. Proverbs warns parents not to provoke their kids to anger. Man, that is such good advice because parents come unglued, especially when they are stressed out. You can almost watch their blood boil and then
bang . . . they implode! My rule? Parents are required to say they are sorry too. I feel so much more respect for them when they ask me to forgive them.
#2. Teens should practice making plenty of adult decisions before leaving home. That way when we fail or screw something up, our parents can bail us out. It's more convenient messing up under our parents authority than out on our own.
#3. Teens should have maid service, especially for their rooms. All laundry should be done by this domestic helper, as well as keep personal items organized. Also, bedrooms should have a continually stocked mini-fridge, full of favorites.
As far as instructions, the best ones are found in the Bible concerning raising teens. I don't think parents give them enough credit.
Cyber Psalmist