I've grown up a little bit but realize I still have a long way to go. Until I arrive, I have some advice to pass along to all the adults reading this.
#1. Proverbs warns parents not to provoke their kids to anger. Man, that is such good advice because parents come unglued, especially when they are stressed out. You can almost watch their blood boil and then
bang . . . they implode! My rule? Parents are required to say they are sorry too. I feel so much more respect for them when they ask me to forgive them.
#2. Teens should practice making plenty of adult decisions before leaving home. That way when we fail or screw something up, our parents can bail us out. It's more convenient messing up under our parents authority than out on our own.
#3. Teens should have maid service, especially for their rooms. All laundry should be done by this domestic helper, as well as keep personal items organized. Also, bedrooms should have a continually stocked mini-fridge, full of favorites.
As far as instructions, the best ones are found in the Bible concerning raising teens. I don't think parents give them enough credit.
Cyber Psalmist
Rule #1: Equal opportunity. If I'm limited to one brownie, one soda, one hour of TV, blank whatever a day, so should my parents also be limited.
Rule #2: No volunteering children who aren't present to hear what they're being volunteered for. For instance, last week in co-op I found out from my American government teacher, in class, that my mom volunteered me to something for the next class. The task was simple, but where was I when I was being volunteered behind my back?
Rule #3: No surprise wake-up calls before 6:00 A.M. 'Nuff said.
Daniel, I especially agree with #3. How about no surprise wake-up calls period!
If teenagers ruled the world, there would be no rules. I feel an organization of anarchy would break out from the recumbency of the teens today. They would realize that adults no longer were in charge of money, buildings, work places, curfews, etc. Once the thought occurred to almost any given teenager, they would go around rampidly doing whatever their rebellious spirits wished to do. That's what I think...
But I never said that wouldn't be cool ;]
Nathan, after the anarchy broke out, then would come the teens set of rules and code of conduct. How about a few ideas from you on this?
If these teens who ruled the world created their own rules and code of conduct, I think we are all done for. Teens have such selfish mindsets and would only think of what they (or what they assume other teens) would want. I could see things just going down the drain to be honest. I mean, if I was placed as the leader of America (not president, because presidents are adults. "leaders" are the kids) then I think that everything would become chaotic. Because we as teens assume we know everything, when it's obvious we do not. We hardly know anything about what goes on behind the closed doors of adulthood. I don't think teenagers would be able to rule the world with their own rules; or any for that matter.
But I never said it wouldn't be cool ;]
well you see. i think it wouldn't be such a great idea of teens ruled the wolrd. i mean of course it might be more fun if they did, but i doubt it would be any better. If teens ruled the world in my opinion, then i think we would be going in the ribulationg very soon. Another thing is if we ruled the world i don't think we would have as much of technology as we do now.
Well if teenagers ruled the world there wouldn't be any gas,money,food or anything left and then we would probably start fighting and then we would go mad.
OK, I've got to walk a very delicate line here. After all, I am a parent and would not want to encourage disrespect or rebellion! My teen rules for adults would be:
1. Forget the mini-fridge. Stock that extra full-size fridge you keep in the garage with sodas, namely Coke; and keep the pantry perpetually replenished with pig-out munchies.
2. Don't offer your opinion unless asked.
3. Give my thoughts and space some privacy.
And for good measure, rule #4: Rules are made to be broken, in particular the aforementioned.
Fair enough, Nathan. You may be right.
Matt, your three new rules would be?
D.C. I still want to hear your three rules, even if you suppose this would not work ;)
Gee, Mrs. Brooks, I was trying not to look greedy when I asked for the mini. You go girl!!!
If teens ruled the world a word to describe it would be CHAOS!
#1: To much respondsiblty! Teenagers today already complain about "How much work they have to do". Imagine them ruling the world. Things wouldn't get done because a lot of teens these days spend their lives on the computer, watching t.v., and having fun, meaning no rules would be established. I'm not saying teens are all bad, I am a 15 year old and I love being a teenager.
#2: Teens are some what immature, compared to some grown ups. Teens haven't been given enough life span to know as much as some adults. God gave us ages for a reason! No one knows exactly what that reason is but you can kind of guess!
#3: Lastly, Doesn't the bible say "Honor your father and mother"? If WE were in charge then we would not only wreck the earth, but we would also be disobeying God!
Wow, Alyssa! I'd vote for you to be president if this ever happens. You would probably have an all-adult cabinet to keep things safe for the rest of us!
Rule #1: Everybody gets the whole summer off from work. (They do it in France, so why can't we?)
Rule #2: Everybody should have a set schedule of their work. I'm tired of getting surprise chores everyday.
Rule #3: There should be contest for the best Christmas lights. The winner might even get a wreath if they are outstanding. (I know that sounds kind of weird)
If teenagers were to rule the world it would be fun. We wouldn't have all the things we needed all the time but we would be able to make it.
My rules would be:
1. No one wakes up before 10:00 am
2.no jobs unless you want one.
3.you still have to go to school, but everyone is homeschooled.
Hmmm...If I ruled the world, along with my fellow cohorts, I'm sure we could come up with plenty of rules.
Rule #1:
Moving sidewalks shall be installed in every theme park.
Rule #2:
Parents are no longer allowed to sign teenagers up for anything, or volunteer them for anything, without our consent.
No one on the world will be required to learn a different language other than the one they grew up speaking.
I think those about cover my problems in life as a teenager.
Shane, one more rule to go along with #2 . . . adults must work to pay for teens expenses!
OOO! Shay, no foreign language credit to deal with? I see your point. You may as well change some of the college admission rules while you're at it. They might need some revising.
Demetri, I would regard #3 as high priority. Every year we go out looking for the best Christmas lights. Could I be a an official judge if this rule makes it?
Rule 1. Music is free. Everyone has access to every single song ever created. Seriously, art should be free and shared with the world <3
Rule 2. Every teen has a library stocked with their preferred taste in literature. <3
Rule 3. College is free! Seriously. I mean I looked up the price for art college and I died a little inside. I'm not exactly the most studious of people, so vying for a scholarship will be interesting to say the least.
Can we have more then three? if so
Rule 4. Freedom of dress. I'm not saying lets all dress like prostitutes(I used a nicer term than what I originally intended too) but for goodness sake, don't control your child in their dress to the point of suffocation. I personally would rather wear something insane spun off of either Harajuku style clothing or something that Emilie Autumn(She is an insane electric violinist, though I do NOT recommend listening to her songs with actual lyrics in them. But her instrumentals and violin solos are to dye for.) would wear.. only a bit more decent. Sadly, that doesn't happen and I've been reduced to jeans and t-shirts. Mean old parents. ;]
Rule 5. No flipping bed times D: 3 AM is a perfectly acceptable time to be doing your English homework, so long as it gets done by Friday, who cares?
Rule 6. No dead languages for school D: just not... they're not very pleasant if required. Now as a thing on the side that you'll get no grade for, be my guest. ;]
Rule 7. I completely and wholeheartedly agree with your mini-fridge rule ;] What I wouldn't do for a mini-fridge all decked out with every flavor of Vitamin Water known to mankind. *Happy sigh* Mm.
Rule 8. As previously stated, all art should be free, therefore, I say that instruments and other things pertaining to art be free. :] As well as lessons to go along with them. Bah, must learn electric violin. >]
Rule 9... um I think I have enough rules now <_< But if I wanted to I could go on for hours. Yep >_> totally chaos would ensue... yay?
Okay.. I'm done now. >_>
Faerie, I pretty much agree with everything on the list, not that my opinion matters, but all nine seem reasonable. Would there be an age limit to these benefits? Otherwise, my only dilemma would then be getting carded to prove my eligibility, especially #'s 1, 3, & 8. That's a flip!
Alaina, keep going. You've almost got a Bill of Rights!
Wow if teens ruled the world. It would be fun. more than likely the world would be worse than it is now though. I think it would be utter complete chaos.
Josh, are you saying you would have no rules? Not even one?
I would not feel safe in world were the majority didn't finish High School.
Come on... Do we really want (for lack of a better word) fools to be running the world? I mean I can ask a few of the teens in my neighborhood who the first five Presidants were, and all I get are blank stares. Oh, and Abraham Lincon.
I believe if teens ruled the world, it would be the end of the world...
My three rules would be:
1.)No one is allowed to make rules that does not have at the very least a b+ avarage or a G.P.A. of 3.5.
2.)Mandatory four years of service in the millitary.
3.)Only people 17 years or older are allowed any place of leadership so long as they pass the first two rules.
Knowing the views of many teenagers now days, the world would be chaos if we teens ruled the world. Everyone would do what they want, for Postmodernism has taken over our culture. Only the rules that the majority liked would be followed, but still, you could try to make some that would hopefully (but probably not) keep some order.
Anyways, here are my 3 rules:
1. The parent who is more calm (but alert at the same time, NOT talking on the cell phone or reading the newspaper) should be the only person teaching his/her teen how to drive. The one who freaks out is released from such a responsibility--they will stress out these new drivers and themselves. However, if both parents are utterly nervous, then the teen has a choice of whether to let one of them be his/her teacher or to take Driver's Ed at a nearby high school. This also applies to nervous single moms or dads.
2. Teens who rise above the rest in that they attempt to make a difference in the world or majorly have a positive influence on others shall be highly rewarded and probably given a prominent place in government.
3. Teens are not required to finish a number of high school credits in order to graduate. Of course, if they want to do so, they are welcome to it.
However, they have another option. In order to graduate, they simply need to pursue a study/studies or a vocation that they love and do well in it. Also, parents are forbidden to push their kids to do a certain subject. That is up to the teen.
Wait, let me add one more...
4. Teens are allowed to text in class. They will do it when forbidden anyway, and it is up to them to listen and learn.
Rule 1 Do what you want
Rule 2 Dont tell anybody to do
Rule 3 Dont kill anybody
#1. I would want to be able to talk back and express my own opinion when I felt that an adult or my parent was wrong, without getting slapped in the face or grounded.#2. Only give me a lecture or advice when I ask for it, I know I need it sometimes but parents need to realize there's just sometimes you don't feel like hearing it.#3. I prefer not to get yelled at when when I didn't do anything wrong, I realize parents have a lot of stress on them at times but it's not fair to get chewed out for something you didn't do or cause.
Even though it might be cool for a while if teens ruled the world,it would be pretty chaotic if we didn't have guidelines and structure in our life.
~Christy Bacon
Well being as im 13 i have a good overlook of this. I think most teens are very underestimated. Teen ruling he world has 2 sides. If you pick the tens that have nothing better to do in life thant o screw things up of course it will be chaotic but if you choose the teens that have a good head on their shoulders and didnt do the things that would only make them hapy then itcouldbe wel organized.
I have a few more than 3 rules.
#1 Cyber school is now the mandatory school.(as i go to a cyber school now) there is no reason at al kids and teens should have to wake up and 6:00am to be forced to learn things. They are goingt o do what they want anways.
#2What goes for the child goes for the parent. we are all equal in the household so we should all be treated as equals.
#3 Some jobs for minors oter than babysitting!! i am very tired of having no job and no way to buy thingson my own. im indeoendent so i hate haing to ask my parents for money all the time.
#4 options to live on your own but until 18 still having parental guidance. I fight with muy parents constantly and you just want to gt away sometimes.
#5Ask us before you volunteer us for something!!!!
#6 i agree with the music part. I play many instruments and i sing and listen to a ton of music. I want to further my education on the instruments i plauy and want to play it would help if my insruction was free and the instrument to play in was also free but there has to be a test to show you can handle it.
#7 COLLEGE NEEDS TO BE FREE!! it still doesnt have to be mandatory and you still need a highschool diploma but all it is, is furthering your education in a profession. i dont want to spend my life earnings to get the kind of job i want.
#8 Dont underestimate us! we are capable of more than you think!
#9 let us live our lives! dont buckle us down to rules we will eventually break any ways because we will only be more proud and eager to break them!le us figure out ourselves what we should and shouldnt do.
and finally #1o
i got punishd and yelled at for being Bi-Sexual.my mother refuses to let me but i have my own opinion and my own likings. And to go along with that i cant have my own religion. im athiest but i am yelled at and punished for not bein christian like my mother.
Some of your ideas are pretty reasonable. I especially like rule #8. I even like rule #10 but must say my two scents on accepting you for who you are.
Everyone is searching for their true identity. It gets complicated because, not only are we trying to figure ourselves out all the time, we keep changing!
God has put people over you in authority for a reason . . . you still need direction. I have kids of my own and as they were trying to find their place in life, I had to allow them some room to figure some of this out for themselves. Often times, I stayed in the shadows while they asked and wondered. But I always reminded them of their divine destiny so that what ever formulations they came up with would have to be measured against what God thought of them.
Your mom doesn't cut you any slack in your spirituality and your sexuality because she knows your destiny and prayed over you before you took your first breath.
Kids sometimes feel like we as parents are all up in your business. It's way more than that. If we don't do this right, God will be up in our business.
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