When blog responses come in, I can usually tell if you are truly interested in the subject or just appeasing me with your comment. This particular comment stuck out and I knew I hit a nerve.
With the author's permission, I have saved their response from that blog as this week's article and would ask that you voice your opinion to the author when you comment. It is raw, strong and opinionated, which I love.
I could go to church every day for the rest of my life, read the bible everyday, say a prayer 100 times everyday and have that mind set. I could say I'm an authentic Christian. Sad to say this isn't the case. Faith gets you into heaven not a prayer.
I hate it how teens/people say there Christians, and you go to ask them how do you know and all they have to say is I go to church. All i do is cry on the inside. These people think that there living right. Trying there hardest everyday can't barely pay the bills. parents are getting high in the kitchen. Living life day to day struggling to make it through.
yet all along there deceived and confused.
all there wanting is that unconditional love that was promised to them by these heretic preachers sitting up in these pulpits lying to these people saying if you say these words. It's not the words that get them to heaven, It's the faith!!! They don't tell them that!!! They lie to make them feel good for the time being. All along we sit back watching it happen. We wonder why teenagers are committing suicide. Having sex because there looking for love in the wrong way. Doing drugs you name it. All because people are to afraid to tell the truth. Lets wake up and see the facts. People need truth. So quit feeding the lies. Quit putting oxygen to fire.
Then we got these preachers who think it's ok to be gay. They think that God loves you no madder what. Thats a lie from hell. God says to turn from evil and seek him, not do evil and seek him. Then were wondering why people say there confused. Look whats happening right in front of your eye's.
Then we have you common feel goods. Preachers who preach a feel good message instead of the truth. When all the while there afraid that they might offend someone. That there population in the church might go down. God didn't care!!! He said speak my word. He never said care if your going to offend someone. People are going to listen if they want to listen.
let me tell you something there is no such thing as an authentic christian.
you either believe or you don't
there is a heaven and a hell.
you will go to one or the other.
you will stand before God.
You will bow down before him.
end of story.
When you finally realize that it's the faith that makes you a christian. It's the blindness to it. It's knowing that there is no other way. It's knowing that God is God there are know in betweens.
Your way of life will change, but you have to be willing to try.
Martin Luther was blind towards God. He sought nothing but truth.
He was persecuted for it. He didn't care.
so let us pray Lead us from our evil ways let us not seek evil but seek you. let God do as he will in my life. let us set aside our pride for you. I Can't move on without you. I need you in my life. I am asking for your forgiveness to forgive me for all of my sins. I want to turn from my evil ways. I want to stop practicing these things. I want to live my life in your image. With my hands held high surrendering. I am asking you to come into my life and do your works.
To anyone that reads this. If you prayed this or have prayed this or something like it and are truly living for God, and truly surrendered you life to God. You will know If you are a Christian. You will feel like your Completely changed.
Your whole out look on things will change. You will notice your life going smoother. this doesn't mean there wont be trials. When you let God move he will move. you just have to surrender.
He loves all of us.
you just have to let him move.
This is how you know if someone is a christian or not. same goes for you and me.
Jesus said you will no them by there fruits.
Don't be fake, be real. Surrender, let him move, and love your life again.
this is my motto for authenticity.
Jesus loves you."
JoShUa DaViDsOn