Who comes up this? Is there an office where authentic men and women gather authentic information to verify authentic items so we can then call them authentic? I always wondered.
So I went to Wikipedia, an authentic source of information (not really, because it is an encyclopedia that anyone can edit) to see what it said.
I found out here are two types of methods for proving authenticity. The first is comparing the attributes of one object to what is known about others of that origin. For example, for a painting, an art expert might look for similarities in the style, then check the location and form of the artist's signature, or compare the object to an old photograph.
The second type relies on some sort of documentation or other physical evidence such as an accompanying certificate. In the case of currency, we look for specific physical features and the fact that it should feel different than any other paper. Consumer goods are usually protected by a trademark or some other recognizable feature.
This explanation helped but we all know these methods can be tampered with. In my experience with prison ministry, I've shook hands those who have tried.
Just the other day, a friend of mine came by with purses she was helping a friend sell. Her display had everything from Channel to Prada, including Dolce and Gabbana. The handbags were absolutely beautiful, having the look and feel of being the "real thing."
Jesus said in Matthew 13:30 that the enemy plants the copy amongst the real and that it will all be sorted out later. I have always had a hard time with this because I think there is a part of me that wants to expose what's fake right now. Too many people are being deceived and I hate that! Jesus explained the problem with trying to straighten things out now is that the authentic might get rooted up in the process and He didn't want that to happen. He went on to say that later, this would be the reaper's job.
This makes me consider my own authenticity. Can you tell that I belong to Him? Is there enough proof about me and the way I live my life so that others, especially the reapers, can see that I am for real? Because I can't stand pious posers and that includes myself!!!
If you had to make a list of counterfeits which helped to identify the fraudulent from the authentic, what three things would be on it?
I would say "this is the real deal" and I would say it is "the best" and that the others are fake.
-Hunter Rice
I Would say, "does their walk match their talk". does what their saying or teaching match up to what scripture says?
Right on! Jesus knew we would witness contrary behavior and wrote about it in Matthew 7:17 - "Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit." Just as a fruit matches the tree it was formed on, so does the spiritual walk of a person who "talks up" the Lord.
I agree Daniel, the nine fruits need to be evident. It's the growing process that's tough. Jesus gave one more parameter concerning fruit - John 15:16 says, "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you." Too often we meet people with good spiritual qualities (fruits) but they turn out to be wolves in sheep's clothing.
I am assuming you mean that Jesus is the real deal. He is the best by far. Mat 24:24 says, "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Looks as though we will need to be way up on our toes and have an ear to what the spirit is saying to the church!
The types of churches who tell you that unless you follow their rules and regulations to a point, you'll go to hell. Those to me are some of the biggest fakes, because they're adding or removing things from the Bible, which is warned against in Revelations, and those who do it will have the plagues mentioned in the Bible inflicted upon them. Another one is the hypocritical people who pretend that their lives are perfect, and look down on those who don't put on a mask, when they themselves have issues going on behind the scenes. The last one is people who think they're better then others because they 'read more of the bible then you' or 'pray more'.
That would be my list of counterfeits.
For the Christian there are 9 ways to tell if some one is saved or not; they are called the fruits of the spirit. The Bible says that if some one does not exhibit love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control that they are most likely back slidden or lost.
Daniel took my ideas!! Is that fair...does that mean I know have to come up with something else??? OK!
Something real would have seal of approval, perhaps a sign or signia created by the maker, himself...
I tend to agree with you on all three points. First of all, man-made rules not originating from scripture feel similar to a noose and just as cumbersome as a ball and chain. It seems that hypocritical pretenders are the first to fit you with either device.
Isn't it interesting, mask wearers are the last to recognize how ridiculous they look until they step in front of the mirror?
I must say that people who read and pray more that me are truly in a better place than I am. But the action that gives me a bitter taste would be boasting about it. Paul said in Rom 12:3, "For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith." Comparing measurements is highly dangerous!
Are you suggesting a righteous tat from God? I'm out of the loop on this one. The last time I checked, I couldn't find anything physical to mark me :)
It can truly be a scary thing to wonder if you're saved or not. Yet, God definitely has a lot to say about this in His Word. Two whole books are devoted to the subject: James and 1 John! Thankfully, we have such tests to reassure or even condemn, opening our eyes to a need for salvation.
You are a counterfeit Christian if...
1. The habitual practice of your life is sin. "Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God."
1 John 3:7-9 ESV
The key word here is "practice," meaning the "the manner (or habit) of how you live your life". What is your ultimate heart's desire? What is the direction of your life?
2. When you sin, you do not confess and repent of it. "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
1 John 1:8-9 ESV
As a Christian, you should not just go on and ignore your sin. The Holy Spirit convicts you of it (This is different from guilt, even unbelievers feel that). Thus, you should confess it to God and turn from it (repent). This goes along with the practice of your life.
3. Only hear the Word, but do not apply it to your life. "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing."
James 1:22-25 ESV
You can just listen on Sunday and skim over the Word during Bible study. But do you apply it to your life? Do you make it your "practice"? You can know that your life is a mess, but do you try to fix it?
This is really quite simple.
There is a verse, I can't think of where off the top of my head, but it pretty much says that if you follow God, people will be able to see the fruits of your relationship with Him.
So, if you don't see the fruit, then odds are that they are not "Authentic."
Oh, and about the Coke copies. I would never want anything other than that beautiful elixir that is Coca-Cola.
I would say is this really working is are they reflecting on what the bible says do they know what their doing.
I would say pretty much what Amy said "does there walk match their talk" that is exactly what I would say..But not stealing hers I'll reword.
I would say "Is their lives led the same way they speak"
when reading this blog post, i was like "what is she talking about?!". and i still find myself confused on what exactly was asked.
but by reading the other's comments, i think i now know what i can say...
i'm going with daniel.
My poster would say, "He is not made of enamel, He is the true treasure!"
Amen, Tina!
Counterfeit Christianity takes a while to manifest sometimes. I have known people for years who surprise me with bizarre behavior and life choices. Some people "jump the track" while others were never on it in the first place.
So what you are saying is, "No fruit, no real fellowship with God?"
Sometimes the best test of ones character is seen in times of pain and pressure. I don't like it either but know it's situations like those that separate me from the men and the boys, so to say.
So many have brought this issue up. It makes me think of the idiom, "put your money where your mouth is."
I will clarify my thoughts in the up-coming blog and ask the question in other words. Sorry for the confusion. You'll have your "say in the sun" next week.
I believe you can't just hear something is authentic and believe it.The pastor of my church Dr. Brunson is always stressing to the church to bring their bible so we can look and see for ourselves that what he is preaching is the true word of God. Today we are so easily enfluenced and decieved by false teaching . Were ready to believe whatever anyone tells us and most of the time we never think to check and see if what were hearing is really aunthentic.
You are right, scripture is always the final authority. The problem is when we don't check to see if the word of God backs up the word of man.
Wow, Tina's dissertation pretty much covered it! However, I would say a poser can be spotted by the poison he puts in his mouth, the venom he spews from his mouth, and the trail of bodies he leaves behind in the process.
Mrs. Brooks,
You put icing on Tina's cake!
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