Look up the meanings of your first and middle names in either a book of names or on the Internet. Are you surprised?Let me know what you find and then explain the significance.
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Rear view reflections - "Objects Are Closer Than They Appear." These are my thoughts... I'll give you a penny for yours.
The other thing I found strange was the cashier at my local supermarket asked to see my ID when I purchased a cooking wine for a recipe I recently made. I thought she was just paying me a nice compliment until she politely smiled and said, "Well, you just never know."
Not long after that, while I was with my oldest son, someone asked if he was my brother. We both gave a rather sour expression in response, contemplating what that would've been like. He would have killed me before I had the chance to think about growing up.
My son married a very sweet girl. I love to hang out with her. Even more interesting is that she likes hanging out with me. I feel more like her friend than her in-law. Both of them have grown up enough to start a family. I am now "Mia" to Maggie and Benjamin is on the way!
It truly tickles me when my oldest daughter and her friends want to chill with me. They call, email, and text me as if I'm one of their own. When I travel to see her, we eat out, see movies and hang out together. When I think about the late night pranks we've pulled... (Oh, did I say that? Forget you read that part.)
Although my teenage son and his younger sister get distracted by common pastimes such as air-soft, rip-sticking, scouts, FB, and WII, (no, that does not stand for World War II), I think they will be needing an explanation soon. Most nights I am up long after they go to bed (they NEVER go to bed) and arise well after the time their soft feet hit the floor. My whereabouts are stable and my time is consumed with very important tasks such as lesson plans for the following day of homeschooling, the makings of tomorrows menu along with a grocery list, a possible late-night trip to our local Freak-Mart where there is no one to interrupt me except ten semi-trucks worth of stock so I can't get from one aisle to another. These two children are beginning to wonder if that's when I travel Neverland.
The wee hours of the night are for me to calm down and get still. The reason some people call it "quiet time" is because that is what it's suppose to be. Sure, I stay up late to write, clean out a drawer, fold laundry, sew on a costume, finish a scrapbook page, compose a song, or read a chapter in one of Adrianna Trigiani's latest books. But more than any of those things, I love to listen to Him. I do so much of the talking that I am sure He is waiting to get a word in edgewise. He tells me things no one else will ever say. He knows me better than anyone and leads me beside waters that have no rough current. It is during that time that I see my cup as spilling over; hopefully on to those I will be in contact with tomorrow. And you just never know what tomorrow is going to bring. Tomorrowland and Neverland are next-door neighbors.
My husband of 35 years has not given up on his youth but has begun to literally see his limitations. His most recent setback, another bought with cancer, has us living life more intentionally. We have learned to pray harder , but we've also learned to play harder because you just don't know what tomorrow will bring.
A few years ago Gary had eye surgery due to a detached retina. Just after he began to regain some of the vision back in his right eye, he told me what he was seeing reminded him of those crazy mirrors you see at the circus. You know, the ones that make you appear short and fat? Well, his right eye was causing him to see everything as tall and thin, even me! Maybe I can quit all this dieting after all.
I think I have learned a valuable lesson from my husband's new viewpoint... this must be the way God sees me as well. It's just like the message in my rear view mirror that says, "Objects are closer than they appear." I'm really not as far away as I think; I'm not as heavy as I look; I'm not as dumb as I sound; I'm not as silly as I act and I'm definitely not as old as my birth certificate says I am!
I've been to Neverland.
Case closed.
Penning for your thoughts,
Is it sad that I've already done this before? xD
The name Alaina is a variant of Alaine (Old German), Alana (Old German, Hawaiian) and Elaine (Greek), and the meaning of Alaina is "precious; precious; awakening; sun ray, shining light".
I've never done my middle name though. o.o
The name Nicole is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "victorious people".
It doesn't have any real significance. o.o My mom had a friend with the name Alaina and she really liked it, so lo and behold. I am now named Alaina. I can't explain my middle name though. o_0 Cause I've never asked. :x
Daniel means "God is my judge" (knew that) and my middle name, Gary, means "spear carrier" (didn't know that). HHMMMmmm... maybe my parents wanted me to be some sort of tribal D.A. when I grew up. No, realy they named me after my dad's favorite Bible character and my dad who was named after Gary Cooper so my name wasn't realy chosen for the meanings.
I believe our names have been chosen by God, even if we, as humans, choose them for other reasons.
The name Daniel has so much attached to it in the light of what he represented in scripture. The situation he found himself in (facing lions) was more than most of us could handle. But God came to his rescue and redeemed him from his death sentence. He passed the ultimate judgement declaring that Daniel should live and not die.
Being married to a Gary gives me a little insight on your name. As a spear carrier, you are recognized by the enemy as one who is fit to carry a weapon and knows how to use it; therefore, you are a threat to kingdom of darkness. There is a huge calling on your life and you will most likely be one who fights on the front lines. With that said, be glad, like Daniel, that your full name carries with it the benefits of the One who calls himself Judge!
My parents went through life always having to spell and repronounce their peculiar names, Erskine and Henriella. That's why they gave my brother and me plain names -- David and Mary. Mary is from the Hebrew word for bitterness, though I feel anything but bitterness to share the same name with the mother of Jesus. My middle name, Loren, was given to me in honor of my grandmother, Clorena, and my Aunt Lorelle. It is an alternate spelling of Lauren, meaning laurel, which makes me think of the laurel wreath ancient Olympic competitors were awarded. I'm looking forward to trading in my lovely, simple, earthly laurel wreath for a heavenly crown that I can lay at my Savior's feet.
I understand your Mom liking the name, especially because a friend of hers had the name first. But I must also add that its meaning describes you so well.
You are precious . . . as precious as a rare gemstone. But more than that, I think God is going to use you as a light to your generation, to a sleeping church whose alarm clock has already gone off. It's bold, purposed women like you who will be able to wake them from their slumber. The snooze button has been hit far too long!
My full name is Christina Marie Horton. I already knew the meaning of my first name, but I had never looked up "Marie" before.
"Christina" means, "Follower of Christ; Christ-bearer; Christian." Marie means, "Bitter" but I also found a book that characterized it as "living fragrance."
Being a Christian, I guess I live up to my name (only because of God's grace!). Having a name that is a reminder that I bear the image of Christ and have Him in my heart truly makes my name seem more precious than any riches! My mom somewhat picked it out for its meaning but also because she really liked it.
Marie, being behind my name Christina, reminds me that my bitterness and all other sins should be put away behind me in order to present my body as a living, holy sacrifice ("living fragrance")to GOD. I am a new creature in Christ! My middle name is from my mom's name, "Maria."
my first name means "gift of God", which i have known for years.
my middle name, which is Andrew, means "manly and courageous".
now, the manly part i whole heartedly disagree with, because i, for one, do not consider myself as manly in any aspect. but courageous, i could see coming towards me a bit easier.
so, it goes: gift of God, manly and courageous. wow. i sound like Sampson or something.
Well, this is different.
My name "Kyle" is a Scottish surname which was derived from Gaelic (Cool.) It means "narrows, channel, and strait". (Great, I'm named after a body of water.....)
My middle name "Matthew" is an English form of Ματθαιος (Matthaios), which was a Greek form of the Hebrew name מַתִּתְיָהוּ (Mattityahu).
[Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V work wonders.]
It means "gift of YAHWEH". (Yahweh being another name for God. So I'm pretty much a gift from God....)
As for significance... My dad's name is Matthew, thus my middle name. My mom liked the name "Kyle" so that is what she named me.
Shay means admirable, courteous, hawklike, and is a derivitive of Shea, which means queen of the fairy fort...haha I've always known that.
Ashley only menas Ash Tree Meadow. ???
My first name Amy, means "Beloved" and my middle name victoria means, "victory and royalty". This name was originally latin.
Together, we must live up to the meaning of our first name. I have felt this to be a high calling, sharing the name of our Savior, and know that bearing His name means more than any name book could explain.
Your name is beautiful. I knew I had read another meaning for the name Mary but could not remember what it was. Please see my comment to Mrs. Brooks about the meaning of the name. It's just my opinion.
Wow! Have you thought about that? You are a present to this world from God. That means you have a lot to offer and your blessings are inexhaustible.
If you are filling big sized shoes, then you are ever bit manly. It's hard for us to see ourselves as "grown up." Even I have difficulty with that. (After all, I've been to Neverland.) But God sees us at our full potential long before we reach it. He believes we can accomplish more than we ever try. So it's just a matter of catching up with His image of us.
A channel of water is most often associated with depth. They are also usually narrow in width. I would say that describes you well. You have never been one to settle for the surface in anything, but require rich relationships, life assignments that are meaningful and truth in all things. You seem to be focused when you put your mind to something . . . a narrowness of mind with a huge advantage.
What a gift you truly are!
You are truly one of His beloved. The Song of Solomon uses this poetic term for the One our heart longs for.
It is with victory and royalty that we will one day sit in His presence. I truly can not wait for the wedding day to come, when I can see Him face to face. Your name adorns you with this kind of reminder!
My first name, Richard is french it means Strong power; hardy power.(Pretty awesome the name fits perfectly)
My middle name Hunter is english, it means Hunter. (LAME)
-Hunter Rice
The name Alyssa is greek, and it means "rational". It comes from the flower "alyssum". My mom has always like that name so she named me that..
My middle name is Lauren which means laurel..kinda weird but yeah thats what it means.I have no idea why my parents named me that but alas I'm Alyssa Lauren Thrift!
The names that our ancestors chose for their children were unusual to say the least. I, like you, am glad I was given a more normal name.
I have a sweet sister Mary and have looked at the meaning of your name before. When I came across its meaning, I was a little put out . . . bitterness? As I contemplated the pure emotion of being bitter towards something, I knew this did not describe my sister's personality either. Then I began to wonder if instead of describing an emotion attached to the bearer of this beautiful name, maybe the origin describes those who came in contact with the virgin mother of Jesus.
Her position concerning man's destiny not only allowed us to freely choose Christ, it also caused incredible controversy. Her obedience caused us to choose. Have you ever heard the saying, "It will either make you bitter or better?"
I don't know, these are just my thoughts.
To be hawk like might mean you are one with a birds-eye view. That is an interesting vantage point and would definitely be considered an admirable quality in itself. Also, every fairy tale I've ever read usually includes a Queen who can be seen peering from her lofty tower!
May you have the eyes of the Lord, observant concerning the things of God and watchful as a hawk concerning the Kingdom.
That doesn't surprise me. I'd say I've seen this quality in you ever since I met you. Being rational is a character trait that will take you far. While others are making decisions with no planning or thought, your success will come because you thought things through. Yes, some circumstances in life require us to make a few spontaneous decisions, for which we must lean on the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, but for the most part, your forethought will be not only your best friend, but others will ask you for advice as well.
I agree - your name couldn't be more appropriate. You are a power house in the kingdom of the light and a hardy power to be reckoned with concerning the kingdom of darkness.
As a young mother raising my other children years ago, I used to wonder why my kids gave me so many challenges. As I prayed and asked God if He thought I was a bad mother, his Holy Spirit would send comfort by reminding me the kids I raise are feistier for spiritual reasons. They would need stronger wills for the days to come and my job was just to bridle it only while they grew and matured. I have talked to other moms and they agree with me. Your generation must be outspoken and powerful. You are the future!
My first name Christy is latin and it means folllower of Christ. My middle name Nicole is greek and it means victory of the people. My parents said they had no reason behind the names but all of my imdiate family have first names that start with a C.
My name, Demetrios, is greek and is derived from the greek "goddess" Demeter (how embarressing!). Many kings have named "Demetrios".
My middle name is Spyros. It means "spirit" in Greek.
Just as men are expected to identify with their position as the bride of Christ, I think that the term goddess, in your case, could also be interpreted gender neutral. To be a goddess might mean to be admired by all.
We all know the third person in the trinity is the Spirit. But we are a three part being created in His image. I personally think you have a good spirit. You have always displayed great humility and have many qualities to be admired.
I have already looked up my name and Dalas means wise and full of wisdom.
Demetri, I would like to say, that your name rocks. :D *is a Greek mythology fanatic*
The meaning of the name Shaunna is God Is Gracious
(weird becuase im athiest....)
The origin of the name Shaunna is American
feminine form of Sean
my middle name.
The meaning of the name Nichole is Victory Of The People
The origin of the name Nichole is American
i have no real significances with my name because my parents just named me lol
(A beautiful name, by the way.) I am familiar with this name and I think the meaning has quite a bit of significance. You are a reminder that God didn't have to do anything for mankind and could, at any time, take a deep breath in, leaving nothing for our frail lungs to inhale, but chooses to give us a free will to live whatever way we want to. Everyday, we take full advantage of His grace, and everyday, He looks for us to turn His way, hoping we will reciprocate the affection He longs to show us. You, your life, is a reminder of that, no matter if you believe in Him or not.
chrissy- i know i'm late on this post, but i just found your site and i think my name fits me so completely that it gives me chills sometimes! sandra means "protector of humanity" and i really hope that i live up to that daily! my middle name is lark, which means... well... lark! haha, but it is a beautiful song bird and music is such an important part of my life. its always so neat for me to look at my name, even when i might not be particularly fond of it, and know it was created just for me!
Could it be that your song is the means by which humanity is protected? I can only assume the psalms of David had this effect in the earth and still do to this day. Psalm 96 is a powerful example of this, especially verse 6. (I can almost hear him belting that out.) We worshipers take our position seriously, knowing our song is more than just music, but they are declarations that the powers of the air must reckon with. By the way, your name is beautiful.
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