Sunday, October 30, 2011



Last night, I hosted an outing for the Youth Group at my church, Oakleaf Christian Fellowship. Mom's and dad's, along with their teenagers, journeyed to Connor's Amazing Acres, which is a corn maze, out in the middle of nowhere, Florida. Under the sliver of a moon hanging low in the night sky, we found our way through a corn maze in the dark, gazed at the stars on a hayride, and huddled around a bonfire roasting marshmallows; the perfect way to spend an Autumn evening.
(Pictured left: Mom's in the corn bin!)

What could be more fun than trudging through a dark corn maze full of thrill-hungry folks, earnestly trying not to get lost? Our only hope to ever make it out was to answer various clues that either left us lost or sent us right on our way. Every now and then, something or somebody popped out of the dark, sending ear-piercing shrikes into our quiet, rural surroundings. With the help of a flashlight and a good attitude, our team made to the exit in one piece.

After the maze, our entire group boarded two trailers filled with fresh hay and set out for the "back 40," where we enjoyed a star-gazer's delight. The sky was filled with sparkling illumination, set in the sky by His Majesty, Himself. City folks like us sat amazed as we are not usually able to see such a stellar display. The tractor's engine, along with the rise and fall of excited voices, were the only sounds we heard on our lazy hayride.

Last but not least, the highlight of the evening... S'mores! I'll never forget where I was the very first time I ever ate this delectably sweet combination of three very simple ingredients. The marshmallows must be roasted to perfection and then slipped between two crisp graham crackers, along with the addition of a small slab of chocolate. The key is patience... patience to wait for the chocolate to melt BEFORE you take your first bite. And then the inevitable happens - you want s'more S'mores!

With just the right amount of chill in the air, the S'mores, hayride, and corn maze were a perfect Fall fit. Everything from the long and winding drive to our destination, to the last roasted marshmallow, it was a fabulous evening. I'm a glutton for fun and already I'm ready for S'more!

If you could name one thing you can't get enough of, what would it be?


Patrice said...

If I am allowed to pick only one, my first though is of deep-night stargazing. The moon and stars are my favorite things! Others would be baby kisses, hugs, and time together with Miss Maggie and colorful Autumn leaves... THAT could be never-ending, as far as I'm concerned!

Cyberpsalmist said...

OK Patrice, that's cheating! I know I only said "one" thing, which for this week's question of the week, was the challenging part... to only name one. I guess the main thing is that we truly see how God gives us pleasure through simple things. I love your choices, by the way :)

Emily Stutsman said...

One thing I can never get enough of is New York Style Cheesecake! I could eat that for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack! The creamy taste in your mouth, I just can't get enough!

Cyberpsalmist said...

Oh Emily, I'm with you on that one! I have a good recipe for one and I bet you do too. And yes, God shows us His pleasure through cheesecake. I was thinking about how cool our taste buds are in that He created us to receive so much enjoyment through food - for some of us, to our detriment :o

Walter said...

My answer is rather generic; good music. I once had to drive all the way from Jacksonville to central Virginia in one day, so i thusly qeued up the entirety of Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd at full blast into my headphones and melted into the neverending stretch of I-95.

Cyberpsalmist said...

Ahhh, Pink Floyd... I saw them in concert back in the day. That was music to live by back then. They have passed the test of time and still manage to entertain generations. Such longevity!

Thomas Brooke said...

sports. any day, anytime I will play just about any sport. just the ability to play sports is just great.

Cyberpsalmist said...


I would say your thirst for more sports is a hard one to quench. Sorry it took me so long to comment, but hopefully you were too busy playing some sort of sport to notice :)