Sunday, November 6, 2011


If you were stranded on a deserted island, what is the one item (besides your Bible) you would most want to have with you? Explain your answer.

OK, I know what some of you are thinking... there is no right or wrong answer and really, anything goes on this one. This might sound bizarre but I would want my pillow.

I have a great pillow right now and I would certainly want this particular one with me on my island, but any pillow would do, under those circumstances.

When I was a very young girl, I had a latex foam pillow that I really loved. I loved it so much, I carried it into my marriage with me 30 years ago. I used it for a good while, even though it did not match my husbands pillow on the other side of the bed. That would bother anal retentives, but it never bothered me.

One evening, I knew it would be my last night sleeping with it. I unzipped the protective cotton cover and saw that the majority of the contents had turned into a pile of yellow crumbs which resembled crushed Captain Crunch cereal near the bottom.

The next day, my search began for the perfect replacement. After years of trying, I had finally found one that felt right. It's one of those memory foam pillows that is contoured for your head. It will never be the same as my old pillow, but I have had many a good nights rest with it.

That is why I chose my pillow. I figured a good nights rest would be pretty high on the priority list while stranded. With all those strange sounds in the night, my pillow would be a comfort - something I could hug if I was scared.

I could even draw a face on it and talk to it when I got lonely.

Not to mention, much softer that a rock to sit on.

As I pondered further, I thought of a dozen other things I could use my pillow for.

That's my choice for now. Who knows, it might change after this gets
posted. I might want my iPad instead.



Patrice said...

This is a great question! :D) Besides my Bible, my very first thought was a good blanket! It could serve as a tent, a pillow, a coat, a knapsack, a towel and, of course, a cover to comfort me!

Cyberpsalmist said...


You are so resourceful! I think your choice is brilliant!!! I might need to reconsider mine, yet no blanket could ever take the place of my beloved foam pillow.

(Ps. Thanks for the shopping tip; I may need to make a trip to Belks.

Emily Stutsman said...

When I saw your question, I have heard many people always ask others what would you bring on a deserted island? They just blurted out stupid or random things. Since you asked this question I had to put a little thought into it. In my final conclusion I would pick out the tinfoil safety blankets, where you could use it as a tent or something you could wrap up in. Thats what I would hope to have with me if I ever was on a deserted island!

Cyberpsalmist said...


I'm afraid I'm wasn't familiar with these blankets so I checked them out online and Amazon had a 10 pack for $8.82! They are small enough to carry in your purse or car. Don't be misled by the word "blanket," instead of being fuzzy, they are thin and crinkly sounding. However, I am convinced this would be a great survival item, along with my pillow :)

Garrett Larson said...

If I was on a deserted island, I would bring a Walmart. If I ever needed something, I would go into Walmart and get it. People might say, "You can't pick that!" Then I would say, "I'm only picking a Walmart, everything else comes with it."

Cyberpsalmist said...


You are always so resourceful, thinking of everything. If the question of the week asked "who" I wanted to be stranded with on a deserted island instead of "what," I would definitely choose you!

Walter said...

If i was stranded on a deserted island (providing there are natural resources), the one thing i would bring with me is a good, sturday machete with a built-on sharpener. You can build a tent, weave a blanket, and find food; but you cant make a machete.

Cyberpsalmist said...


Sounds like you would be prepared to take on the challenge with a machete! Everything from food and housing, to an enemy attack would all be under your submission. I'm pretty sure it would be under my pillow at night!

Thomas Brooke said...

ok my first choice for something i would take is a good sharp and sturday machete but seeing as walter is bringing that i will go with is some flint and a magnesium bar. it is a neerly foolproof way of starting a fire. so providing you with warmth, protection etc...

Cyberpsalmist said...

Thats it! Between the machete, flint, magnesium bar, tin foil blanket, good fuzzy blanket, my pillow and a Wal-Mart, we are good to go!!!