Monday, January 30, 2012


Now That's Something I Could Do Without!

Ya know, if there was one thing I could do without in my life, it would be sleep. As much as I love to sleep, and enjoy making zzzzz's, I wish it wasn't a requirement. It takes up 6-8 precious hours of my life, involves a time-consuming bedtime routine, and interrupts the flow of my nocturnal creative juices.

I have so many better things to do other than sleep, like write music, sew, scrapbook, write, read, research, organize, play, cruise, fix and build, cook, clean, shop on-line, etc., etc. The list goes on and on. I fight against going to bed because it's in the wee hours of the night that I can finally hear myself think. It's also when all my little chicks and the rooster are tucked in tight that I have the complete run of my quiet house. No one is calling my name!

When forced to slumber, I must face extra dental duties, forebear swallowing evening supplements, and follow through with various other personal responsibilities, all of which annoy me. Unlike other family members of mine who don't mind following every rule, I shrink back with a bit of rebellion at the thought of having to fulfill all of my bedtime routine.

The only routine I enjoy is saying "goodbye" to a chaotic day and "hello" to some me-time. With the rest of the house asleep, I can look forward to uninterrupted bliss. Something flips my creativity switch on and away I go, as if it's the top of the morning!

As I write this blog, it's almost 3:30 AM (I guess that IS the top of the morning) and I realize I need to PUT my body to bed. As much as I wish I could get along without sleep, I do enjoy fluffing my pillow, getting into the fetal position, and watching a dream sequence on the backside of my eyelids. Sleep is a good way to end the day and certainly helps me greet a brand new one, complete with all it's challenges. So for my own good, I'll say goodnight. But before I go, I must ask you one question...

If there was one thing you could do without in your life, what would it be???


Patrice said...

I feel the exact same way about eating! What a waste of time and resources! The planning (whether you cook or eat out), the meal itself, the clean up, the expense, all intrusions into my day, my time, my resources and the things I'd rather be doing. Then it starts all over again in 4 or 5 hours! Geeze!

Don't get me wrong, I love steak, all types of pasta, breakfast food, the fragrant smells, the camaraderie of a meal with others. However, I learned at an early age that sleep is a lot more important than food! :D)

I often wish I was like the android Data of Star Trek: Next Generation. He only needs a "semi-organic nutrient suspension in a silicon-based liquid medium to lubricate his bio-functions"!

Emily Stutsman said...

I really had to think this over in my head about what I could go without. All I could really think about how much junk we do have and how america has to be one of the greediest nations. What I really could go without is my hair products. I worry so much about my hair all the time, that if I really didn't bother with it I would be getting an hour a day atleast to do something constructive!

Cyberpsalmist said...


You are so right about eating and food in general. If I could have picked two, that would've been my second choice. First we stew over what we're gonna stew, then we make the grocery list. Next, we have to shop for it and make all those extra decisions. After that, we take it all home and have to put it away, while our family is asking us "what's for dinner?" To think we have to cook it all too! I think I like the idea of the semi-organic stuff :)

Cyberpsalmist said...


I absolutely loved your answer! Although I too admire your hair and assume that in order to have it look that good, know you spent precious time on it. It would be so nice to come out of the shower, skip hair & make-up, go right to clothes, and go out-the-door.

Who set this ridiculous standard anyway????

Garrett Larson said...

There is one thing I could live without, it would be schoolwork, I don't hate learning but it takes so long to do. You spend nearly 20% of your live on homework, what could you do in that time? I wish when you where born you knew all you needed to know. Math, science, history, and literature you would know it all to begin with.

Cyberpsalmist said...


The idea of having all the information we need already downloaded to our brains is fabulous! Then I wouldn't have to devote my life to homeschooling and I'd have considerably more time on my hands. Just think of all the things I could be doing instead of teaching! I could watch daytime TV and eat bon-bons, join a gym, get my nails done, go to the mall, meet with friends during the day for coffee, ride my bike in the park, the list is endless.

Of course, I'd miss my time with you so we'd have to figure out some other reason for spending each day together :))

Thomas Brooke said...

Well I really had to think about this one. there are so meny things that life would be better without, however I think I would have to say ads. Every single day we a bombarded with ads saying tha we should buys this or eat that and whie some are funny(especially around the super bowl) the large majority are stupid and annoying. so if i could get rid of one thing i would go with commercials etc.

Cyberpsalmist said...


I agree with you in that ads are annoying. I'm sure directors consider exactly where commercial breaks will occur so as to provide suspense, as well as comic relief. They are also strategically placed so we'll watch to the end of the program, guaranteeing sponsors their viewers get ample exposure to their products.

Personally, I feel I'm being manipulated during these retail breaks and head for the kitchen of bathroom until the show starts again. Just the thought of any company trying to control my purchasing power brings out the rebellion in me.